• New Search on Health with Science & Nature

    New Search on Health with Science & Nature

    Welcome to We With World. Today we’ll discuss about the health, With the reference of science and Nature. New methods for good health. THE LARGER TREND Med-PaLM 2 was tested on U.S. Medical Licensing Examination-style questions in March and performed at an “expert” test-taker level with 85%+ accuracy. The LLM also received a passing score on the MedMCQA dataset, a multiple-choice dataset designed to address real-world medical entrance exam questions.  One month later, Google announced it would make Med-PaLM 2 available to select Google Cloud customers for limited testing, to explore use cases and to share feedback.  In July, a study performed by Google researchers and published in Nature revealed that Med-PaLM provided long-form answers aligned…